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Monastic Live-ins

   Come, children, hearken to me

Monastic Live-ins

Men’s Monastic Live-ins

If you are a young man interested in the monastic life or know of others who may be interested in the monastic life, contact the vocation director, Father Caesarius Marple osb:

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Women’s Monastic Life Workshop

The Women’s Monastic Life Workshop is an opportunity for young women to steep themselves in the Benedictine charism, while discerning a possible vocation to the religious life. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily mass, lectio divina (spiritual reading), rosary, discussion groups etc.

We hope that in attending the Women’s Monastic Life Workshop, you will leave the Abbey closer to Christ, more knowledgeable of the Benedictine charism, and will inspire other women to respond to the possibility of a call to the religious life by inviting them to come to future Women’s Monastic Life Workshops.

Our next Women’s Monastic Life Workshops are:
  • April 3-5, 2020 (Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic)

If you want to attend, please fill out the contact form below:

