“We ought at all times so to serve [God]
by means of the gifts He has entrusted to us”
– Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue
In what ways can you give?
How can you make a donation?
How does our community give thanks?
You Can Make an Impact
For more than 75 years, Westminster has remained committed to its mission. Without the providence of God working through our many generous benefactors we would not be able to carry out the prayer and work and study we do.
Our Mission
We are a monastery of Catholic Benedictine monks seeking God through the official Liturgy of the Church, (the praise of God) and its sacramental life under the Rule of St. Benedict.
We seek God through both public and personal prayer, community life, work and study. Our prayer involves not just public prayer but also personal time for reading and studying the Scriptures and the writings and lives of the Saints and the Church. Our community life is characterized by a monastic style which is very much like a big family. We strive to witness to our neighbour the love of God and the radicalism of the Gospel of poverty, chastity and obedience. Working together in a fraternal spirit, we go about our daily duties of running and maintaining two seminaries, a Guesthouse, a farm and the Abbey lands. An integral part of our monastic life is stability in the community, daily conversion to Christ, study, the nobility of manual labour and the special responsibility of forming young men for the priesthood and the religious life.
Sharing in Our Blessings
As a benefactor of Westminster Abbey, you not only make our mission possible, but you share in our blessings through your gratuitous gifts.
Continue to pray for our community. Thank you for your many gifts. We pray for you daily.