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Discerning a Monastic Vocation


“What could be sweeter to us than this voice of the Lord inviting us?
Behold in His loving kindness the Lord shows unto us the way of life.” 

 – Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue

Becoming a Monk

How does a man become a monk?

Vocation Director

Who do you contact about
discerning monastic life?

Becoming a Monk

How does a man become a monk?

Vocation Director

Who do you contact about
discerning monastic life?


Discerning a Monastic Vocation

As Benedict teaches us to receive all as Christ himself, we reverence your individual journey, recognizing the beauty of your heart and the unique path of faith you are walking. The Benedictine tradition sees in each person the imago Dei—your heart bearing the divine imprint as a living icon of God’s presence. You are good and your love is good, meant to be shared in the fullness of life that God is calling you to.

We have found that those who are ready to discern with our monastic community:

  • are 18-40 years of age
  • are spending time with the Lord in daily, silent prayer
  • are in good health physically, mentally and emotionally
  • are open to seeking God through community living, obedience, service to others, and engagement in manual labor.
  • have lived a vibrant sacramental life in the Catholic Church for at least 2-3 years after conversion to the Church or reversion back to the Church
  • For recent converts, we require a waiting period of 3 years after entering the Catholic Church before beginning the process of discernment to deeply live the graces of a sacramental life.
  • have experienced living in freedom from addictions for 2-3 years

Do You Fit This Description?

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