Truly Seeking God
“But as we go forward in our life and in faith, we shall with hearts enlarged and unspeakable sweetness of love run in the way of God’s commandments.”
– Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue
Worship & Liturgy
“Let nothing be preferred to the Work of God”
– Rule of St. Benedict, Ch. 43

Work & Apostolate
The Rule sets down no particular apostolate other than to seek God, to be fervent in the work of God, in humiliations and obedience. Coupled with this is the Rule's great adaptability to cultures and locale.
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Become a Monk
“What could be sweeter to us than this voice of the Lord inviting us?"
– Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue

Our Extended Family
Benedictine Oblates
Oblates of St Benedict are people associated in a special way with a Benedictine monastery.
They commit themselves to living the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict in their own state of life,
as lay people, or even clerics, living in the world rather than in the monastery.
Our Guests
Visit the Abbey
“Let all guests that come be received like Christ Himself, for He will say: ‘I was a stranger and you took Me in.’...Let Christ – who indeed is received in their persons – be adored in them…”
– Rule of St. Benedict, Ch. 57
A Good Word
News & Media
For the latest Pax Regis, monastic resources, photos, videos, and music, check out our galleries and libraries.
Learn MoreSharing Our Blessings
“We ought at all times so to serve [God] by means of the gifts He has entrusted to us”
– Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue